Gun Belt Vs Regular Belt: Which One Should You Use?

What is the difference between a regular belt and gun belt?

For a person whose only need for the belt is to support his pants, this question might be of less importance to them. But if you’re used to carrying your gun in a holster on a daily basis, you must be desperately waiting to hear the difference between the two belts…

Everyone says that a gun belt is better for caring my concealed weapon than my leather dress belt. Everyone is talking about the gun belt.

So what’s all the gun belt hype about?

If you’ve been asking yourself such queries, you must be very lucky to have landed on this page. We’ve written this post to enlighten you about the hidden secrets in gun belts many people fail to unravel. And we’ll also tell you why you should start using one to carry weapon.

The best approach to help you clearly understand our subject of discussion is to list a number of ways in which gun belts are better compared to the regular ones.

Top Reasons Why A Gun Belt Is Superior Than A Regular Belt

1. A Gun Belt is Made of Heavy Duty Materials

Have your friends already told you that a gun belt is stiffer compared to your regular dress belt?

All this starts when the materials used to manufacture the former are stronger, more durable and more rigid compared to those used in the latter.

Needless to say, a product made from such materials will bear the ultimate strength of the materials. It’s able to withstand the weight of your gun without stretching or twisting. Some of the most popular materials used are leather and nylon.

Leather is more popular than nylon and lasts forever.

A regular belt is a total disaster when paraded with the gun belt. When loaded with handgun, it twists, stretches (to the breaking point), sags, and reveals your firearm.

2. Gun Belts uses First Class Hardware

Another feature that creates a broad rift between gun and standard belts is the type of hardware used in each case. Skimping on the hardware goes a long way in diminishing the strength, integrity and rigidity of a belt.

Standard belts usually utilize binding post to secure to their buckles. These tend to loosen as time goes by and before you note, you’ll have misplaced them.

A great gun belt on the contrary employs belt snaps to secure safely to their heavy duty buckles. The snaps rarely come out and are more user friendly.

3. Tailoring Process for Gun Belts is Different from that of a Regular Belt

Manufacturing a standard belt is an easy process. The exact opposite of this is very true. A good gun belt needs much care when being tailored so as to prepare it full for the specific task of carrying your weapon stability.

If you look at the two belts with your eyes, leave alone touching them, you’ll be able to tell that the two didn’t undergo the same manufacturing process.

For example, most gun belts bears a double layer of the materials used to make them. They’ve a spring steel sandwiched between the two layers to improve their rigidity. The edges of the gun belt are usually painted or burnished to extend their lifespan. These are strange features to ordinary belt users.

There’s a Price to pay…

From the above comparison, you don’t need to attend a rocket science class to understand that the quality of gun belts is above and beyond that of the regular belts you sue to hold your pants in place.

And the higher the quality, the higher the price. The point is: gun belts are expensive unlike the regular belts.

So, next time you go to your local vendor and they sell the gun belt to you at higher prices, please don’t protest. Meet the required priced and enjoy the highest quality.

Final Verdict

A gun belt or a regular belt?

Which is the best way to go?

Hopefully, you now have the right answer to the above question. If you’re used to carrying your weapon with you whenever you go and you don’t have a gun belt, it’s a high time you own one.

Your firearm will feel more comfortable and safe being carried in a rigid, durable belt that withstands its full weight without complaining. Since the gun belt also serves the purpose of a standard belt, you’ll be making a double investment for a one time price. This is possibly the most economic deal of your life.

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Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Use a Gun Belt - June 5, 2016

[…] yes, do you always use a gun belt? If no, this might be the root of all your failures. And you know what? The only way you can save […]


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