DIY Homemade Ground Blinds For Bow Hunting

If you are a wildlife photographer or an avid hunter, you know that a right shade in the right place is all you want to succeed.

Artificial or commercial blinds will alert the animals, are bulky, and sometimes too costly.

You don’t have to worry though.

today, I’ve decided to show you how you can come up with your own ground blind that you can use when hunting the deer or taking those photos.

The materials needed for this project are cheap and readily available too!

Just follow the steps I’ve outlined below and you’ll end up with a nice, durable ground blind…

Gather the necessary tools

In your homemade blind building project, you need the essential tools.

I use a brush blade, a pair of loppers, pliers and baling wire (I highly recommend jute twine if you can get it).

Only ensure that your pair of loppers can cut at least 3-5 inches of sapling's diameter (need I say for sturdy blind?).

Am environmental friendly so use jute twine or remove the wire when done with the blind.

Supporting saplings

Cut the main supports from your surroundings.

Choose the straight saplings about 2 inches thick.

For bow hunting, the inside space is an essential factor to consider.

You will need area for at least a chair and your other hunting gear.

So think around 50 inches width and 70 inches long which will give you enough room.

Cut seven saplings in period and 10 in width.

My secret is always to give 2-3 inches extra to provide space for building on the exterior of my blind.

Whichever dimension you may prefer, ensure you have enough space for you to move and draw your bow without tangling the arrow in the inside of the blind.

You don't want it to be a giveaway.

Do you?


Armed with the correct sapling, I want to show you how to make walls easily.

Remember what we did building forts in the woods when growing up 9 (that is if you were lucky to grow up in isolated areas like me).

Begin by building a basic square with two upright and two straight saplings.

Your first wall has to be sturdy to be able to brace the other walls.

Use diagonal pieces to make it stand.

Wire it diagonally to increase rigidity.

Wrap your wire around each joint at least three times and the twist it with your pliers.

Also, remember that build walls opposite of the first one.

It's a secret I have discovered over the years to ensure t well tightened.

Also, remember the back wall is where you put your entrance.

Consider putting two saplings to stand firm as the door frame.

Hold it firmly with wires on the end to give room for side covering.


Whatever you do, hey, you are the man on the ground, so give it your best and feel free to tighten and pull around your saplings to your satisfaction.

Side covering

As I stated earlier, a homemade blind is intended to be as natural as possible to camouflage with the surroundings.

This will mean a shade that may even pass unnoticed by the target animals.

Can you imagine a deer feeding gracefully on the leaves of you blind, unwise of your presence?

What arsenic view it would be.

Therefore cover the blind with leafy branches.

Pick the branches carefully and place them systemically on the walls.

Cover all the four walls as much as possible.

As a bow hunter, clear any branch that covers your shooting lane.

Well, you can use this small branches as additional cover.

Feel free to take several steps away from your blind at different dimensions to see how well camouflaged your blind is.

If you notice gaps, get more tree branches and cover more.

Use anything natural to your environment especially those with strong natural scents like cedar and pines.

As am fond of stating, you are on the person on the ground, so check you're blind well if it fits with the surroundings.


One satisfied that the exterior of you blind is as natural as possible, it's time to give the interior some attention.

Clip off any hanging branches that intrude and use them as coverings on the wall.

You also don't want noises as you move inside.

So clean the ground of any leaves and twigs that might make noises and give you away.

Never forget those wild animals are always on high alert to their surroundings.

Even the tweak of a twig is loud enough to scare a deer at a distance.

Also, hunt for small spaces in your blind where small animals may enter and give you away.

As a rule cover as much as you can but don't compromise your camouflage.


Once you have satisfactorily built, you ground blind enjoy your bow hunting.

However, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Carry all the legal permits and requirements so that your stay is known, safe and undisturbed.
  • Study the fauna and flora of your locations. You don't want to touch plants that you are allergic too or walk into a snake as your companion in your blind.
  • Inform other hunters that might be in the area of your presence. You don't want them on your shooting lane, or being in theirs.

Your safety comes first so take all safety precautions.

Final verdict

Whether you want just to watch animals or you are a bow hunter li, it's impossible to go to the bush and leave no traces.

I highly recommend that you build your ground blind at least two to three days earlier so that the target wild animals absorb it as part of their new environment.

Remember you will also experience other unwanted guests like birds, rodents, snakes and any different depending on your context.

This is just part of the package for anyone using homemade ground blinds.

And I assume you had done your research well, and you are well armed with skills and tools to handle any eventuality.

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